Thursday, February 7, 2013

Illegal Immigrants, Illegal Money

After reading the article from the Austin American Statesman, I discovered that a lot of the reasons why the United States has not proceeded with making illegal aliens legal is because they want to secure the border first. This to me is absolutely ridiculous. In my opinion, you cannot successfully secure the border until the illegals that are coming stop. It will never stop until the people that want to come are actually here. The legislation talks about all these different steps that they will take to make the border secure as well as safe and not using force as we have in the past. Examples include, “prohibitions against racial profiling and inappropriate use of force, enhance the training of border patrol agents, increase oversight, and create a mechanism to ensure a meaningful opportunity for border communities to share input, including critiques.”. Seriously, is all I have to say about these ideas. The only reason that the border is unsafe is because of the way the United States handles it. There are hundreds of illegal immigrants that pay taxes and get jobs, why do we have to keep pushing them away when they help the economy? People argue that it’s the immigrants and not the people on welfare and government aids that make the economy bad. I could not disagree anymore. Most people that are coming here from another country are coming for a reason, and most are not coming to take advantage of our system but to have a better life. There are more lazy citizens than there are illegal immigrants. Why don’t we just kick the people out that are abusing the government aids, oh wait, we can’t because we can’t regulate it. That alone is another perfect reason why we should allow immigrants more easily because more of them are here to prosper than to take advantage. 

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