Friday, April 26, 2013

Drugs and Marijuana

Marijuana is one of the most used “dangerous illegal drugs” out there. I want to point out the benefactors of said dangerous drugs. For example, it helps with the people that are severely sick and need something to help relax them and take away some of the pain. Another example is that most teens that pick up marijuana are less likely to pick up alcohol and cigarettes. This could be backed up with the article “Study: Why Teen Pot Smoking Could be a Good Thing”. Their ideas that teens these days do not see marijuana as a dangerous drug like past teens have seen it. They see alcohol and cigarettes as a bad choice compared to weed. Are they wrong? I completely agree, teenagers may not have full arguments on this issue. But, they are right? It is less harmful… if harmful at all.
Big issues why certain drugs are illegal are because of the addiction. In the past they have tried making cigarettes and alcohol illegal but it never stuck. Why? Because one cannot make something illegal after it has been legal when it is an addiction. People will always find a way around it. I mean, look at cancer patients. Are they addicted to weed? No. Look at all the millions of people that smoke it without any health issues. They are not addicted. It’s a happy feeling or a relaxed feeling that one would like to receive after smoking. There is not chemical in marijuana that is forcing them to get more, like cigarettes.  
The big picture is that marijuana does not cause addiction like other drugs. There are so many ways legalizing it could make the economy better and aren’t we always trying to do that? For example, taxation on it, could bring the US millions of dollars if not billions a year. All this money could go to paying off our wars! One of the arguments that people have is that, you could potentially grow it in your own backyard. This is true, indeed. Though, think there could be a permit that one would need to buy. Also, way back when in the 1700s people used to make their own alcohol, so why can’t we make our own weed. Just a thought you should think about. 

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