Sunday, May 12, 2013

In response

In response to one of my colleagues blogs titled, “Oh What aWorld…” was about a few issues. The one that caught my eye was about the warrant-less search through emails from government officials. I had never heard of that! I actually never really thought about those kind of things that government can do. I knew about search warrants for homes and cars. I never knew they could go back and look in your computers and emails and basically anything that has anything to do with you now and back then. As far as that being warrant-less I think is not a good idea. I mean I know you have to have probable cause to look in cars or homes, but as far as emails? How is one to get evidence for a probable cause to search emails? I myself can see many flaws with this idea. I think once a search warrant is given for a house or car that should already include personal computers. 

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