Sunday, May 12, 2013

In response

In response to one of my colleagues blogs titled, “Oh What aWorld…” was about a few issues. The one that caught my eye was about the warrant-less search through emails from government officials. I had never heard of that! I actually never really thought about those kind of things that government can do. I knew about search warrants for homes and cars. I never knew they could go back and look in your computers and emails and basically anything that has anything to do with you now and back then. As far as that being warrant-less I think is not a good idea. I mean I know you have to have probable cause to look in cars or homes, but as far as emails? How is one to get evidence for a probable cause to search emails? I myself can see many flaws with this idea. I think once a search warrant is given for a house or car that should already include personal computers. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

education repost

           I really like this article about education. I think that my colleagues’ ideas of lowering the cost of education are great but how much lower? How would we be able to do this without chaos? My colleague does not give clear ways we could do this. As much as I agree with the idea, we should come up with ways to make it happen.
           Well I think, cutting the cost of how much we spend on each individual class would make a big difference. Of what I understand, the money that we pay goes to professors pay, the staff, and everything to do with the school. I think the more money could come from the government. Seeing how a lot of taxes go to things that a lot of citizens don’t even support. Try and find someone that doesn’t support education! It is a pretty slim chance you could find one. A place we could potentially take government spending away from is through Medicare and OBAMA care. It is not that I disagree with these things; it’s that a lot of people take advantage of the system. If we just severely limited the use and abuse of these benefits then more money could go towards education, thus, lowering tuition. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Drugs and Marijuana

Marijuana is one of the most used “dangerous illegal drugs” out there. I want to point out the benefactors of said dangerous drugs. For example, it helps with the people that are severely sick and need something to help relax them and take away some of the pain. Another example is that most teens that pick up marijuana are less likely to pick up alcohol and cigarettes. This could be backed up with the article “Study: Why Teen Pot Smoking Could be a Good Thing”. Their ideas that teens these days do not see marijuana as a dangerous drug like past teens have seen it. They see alcohol and cigarettes as a bad choice compared to weed. Are they wrong? I completely agree, teenagers may not have full arguments on this issue. But, they are right? It is less harmful… if harmful at all.
Big issues why certain drugs are illegal are because of the addiction. In the past they have tried making cigarettes and alcohol illegal but it never stuck. Why? Because one cannot make something illegal after it has been legal when it is an addiction. People will always find a way around it. I mean, look at cancer patients. Are they addicted to weed? No. Look at all the millions of people that smoke it without any health issues. They are not addicted. It’s a happy feeling or a relaxed feeling that one would like to receive after smoking. There is not chemical in marijuana that is forcing them to get more, like cigarettes.  
The big picture is that marijuana does not cause addiction like other drugs. There are so many ways legalizing it could make the economy better and aren’t we always trying to do that? For example, taxation on it, could bring the US millions of dollars if not billions a year. All this money could go to paying off our wars! One of the arguments that people have is that, you could potentially grow it in your own backyard. This is true, indeed. Though, think there could be a permit that one would need to buy. Also, way back when in the 1700s people used to make their own alcohol, so why can’t we make our own weed. Just a thought you should think about. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Jack and Bill have opened my eyes

After reading a Classmates blog called, “Jack and Jill.....or Jack and Bill?”. It opened my eyes to new ideas of gay marriage. I am not saying I was completely oblivious to what is going on in the government about it but I think the author has some pretty good points.
First off, when the author writes about family values and how they could change. Her answer to that is what hasn’t changed family values? I could not agree more. Everything that we encounter on a daily basis can change family values. Like the shows we watch to the clothes we wear can all affect family values.
Another point that the author made that really opened my eyes was when she talked about the children. She says that the kids aren’t going to be anymore affected by gay marriage any more than a straight marriage would. I never really thought about the children of this issue before so It was nice to see a fresh perspective on it. She also says that the average family has been changing and now is commonly acceptable to have grandparents raise grand children or single parents raising children. So what is the difference if two loving men that have love in a household than only having one parent? As long as there is love in the household, then honestly, who cares who raises the child?
I thought this blog was a great and that is surely did open my eyes to certain matters and I could not agree more with her!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Whats the deal with this thing called immigration!?

Immigration laws in this country are God awful. I say that with attitude if it is not noticeable. I personally believe if one has lived here their whole lives, since say Elementry School, should have the right to citizenships.
I come from personal problems with this issue. I suppose I should not name names, but a friend very dear to me since childhood has just VERY recently gotten citizenship. This is absolutely outrageous to me. She has lived here since she was literally 7 months old. Her family came here on work visas. They expired, and did not go back to Mexico. She has been illegally in this country for a long time and has even used fake socials. She has paid her taxes every year and never once had fraud with them. A huge factor to this is that she didn’t come here on her free will, it was her parents. (Rightfully so)
Obama has made notions to make many Hispanic immigrants resident but the senate makes a lot of these bills hard to pass. This is outrageous, now say we go back to the election of 2012; Obama got voted president because he got the Hispanic vote by promising residency. Now the thing about that is that some are still waiting and it’s already his second term.  Obamas idea was that if republicans were to go for immigration then they would get elected next term because they would get the votes.
Personally I believe that Obama has his ideas straight and his plan is set but he is not moving fast enough. I understand that there are a lot of people he has to go through first before any bill can be passed. Regardless of that, a lot of people really need this residency but it is just taking absolutely too damn long. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Guns take Control


After reading, Ann Coulters blog titled, BELTWAY GOPS: VOTE FOR US OR WE'LL BORE YOU AGAIN! I found a new aspect to gun control. I found that a huge amount of the people committing massacres, are actually mentally insane people. Can you believe that?
                 Ms. Ann Coulter argues that the democrats have all the power right now in our government and the republicans cannot do anything. Apparently a view that democrats have is that, mental issues do not show up on back ground checks when buying guns. Most people would think that that is not a problem. Why would mental issues show up on back ground checks? Since when does it ever affect anyone? Well it does. A lot of the shootings that have recently happened are ones of mentally ill people.
                Coulters intended audience is republicans, to get them to start acting and to ignore that the democrats are in charge and to not give up! Her credibility is pretty great. She has written many books about politics and is a well-respected blogger for her opinions. She also practiced law for many years.
                Personally, I have got to agree with her because she has a good point. She says that democrats are more worried about stigmatizing the mentally ill, rather than enforcing gun control. Honestly, if the mentally ill are the one ones causing most of these problems. Then why can’t the law be changed and why does it have to be so hard? If requiring people to not have past mental issues could stop a lot of people from dying from these rage attacks. Then shouldn't we be doing everything we can do, to stop it?

Friday, February 22, 2013

Gas is For the Rich

 In the article from the New York Times, it talks about ideas about raising taxes on gas to help pay for road repairs and make people get fuel efficient cars. The author is Valerie J. Karplus is a research scientist in the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change at M.I.T. Her credibility has it all in her name. She compares a way that Germany raises taxes on gas nearly 18 more times than the United States. All that extra money goes to fixing bad roads and making new ones. The authors’ idea is that, if we raise the United States taxes, we could potentially be doing the same thing. Another argument about raising taxes is that; the higher the gas price, they fewer people will buy it. The United States is trying to push its people to use energy and fuel efficient cars. Ones that are battery powered and use very little gas. Another reason, the government wants people to get fuel energy efficient cars is for the air, and the pollution that normal cars produce on a regular basis. We are trying to minimize this, though that is going to take a while for people to actually do it. They think that if they raise the taxes on gas, more people will start using these other modes of transportation. In my opinion, both of these ideas are great. The higher the tax the more money going to our roads, but also eventually more people will buy more efficient cars and will pay less on gas. I think that could be considered a win-win situation, am I right?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Illegal Immigrants, Illegal Money

After reading the article from the Austin American Statesman, I discovered that a lot of the reasons why the United States has not proceeded with making illegal aliens legal is because they want to secure the border first. This to me is absolutely ridiculous. In my opinion, you cannot successfully secure the border until the illegals that are coming stop. It will never stop until the people that want to come are actually here. The legislation talks about all these different steps that they will take to make the border secure as well as safe and not using force as we have in the past. Examples include, “prohibitions against racial profiling and inappropriate use of force, enhance the training of border patrol agents, increase oversight, and create a mechanism to ensure a meaningful opportunity for border communities to share input, including critiques.”. Seriously, is all I have to say about these ideas. The only reason that the border is unsafe is because of the way the United States handles it. There are hundreds of illegal immigrants that pay taxes and get jobs, why do we have to keep pushing them away when they help the economy? People argue that it’s the immigrants and not the people on welfare and government aids that make the economy bad. I could not disagree anymore. Most people that are coming here from another country are coming for a reason, and most are not coming to take advantage of our system but to have a better life. There are more lazy citizens than there are illegal immigrants. Why don’t we just kick the people out that are abusing the government aids, oh wait, we can’t because we can’t regulate it. That alone is another perfect reason why we should allow immigrants more easily because more of them are here to prosper than to take advantage.